
Pwll CP School

Mighty oaks from acorns grow

Latest news at Pwll C.P. School:

Pwll Primary School

It has been a very exciting year in Pwll Primary School.  The national curriculum in Wales has changed, and this year all primary schools in Wales have been working to implement new government guidance to support learners to become ‘ambitious, capable learners; enterprising, creative contributors; ethical, informed citizens and healthy, confident individuals’

Governors, staff and pupils have embraced the changes, and we are in the process of trying out our stimulating new curriculum topics.  We are also thrilled to report that we have been successful in a bid for grant funding to secure the services of two creative artists who will be working with Mr Rees and the Y3/4 pupils on their new history topic, ‘Traders and Raiders’.   We always aim to place wellbeing and enjoyment at the heart of our work with pupils, and as a result try to learn outdoors as much as possible.  Here is a little flavour of what we have been up to in the great outdoors recently.

Kind regards,

Mr Trotman



Climbing a mountain  

As our topic was ‘Misty Mountains and Flowing Rivers’, we prepared a packed lunch and set off to climb Mount Gower. We parked in a car park and began our ascent up the mountain. It was quite hard, and our legs were tired, so we worked together and used a rope to help pull ourselves up. It was so muddy and slippery; it was hard to tell the difference between the mud and the horse manure!  

When we reached the summit, we saw wild horses, used compasses to find North, South, East and West, read a sign which told us how many miles away different cities were, and had a well-deserved break to eat our packed lunch. The descent was a lot easier (and more fun!) because it felt like we were running and falling at the same time! We were exhausted on the bus journey home, some of us even had a nap.

Danielle (Blwyddyn 4)


Our school garden 

In September we planted vegetables that grow quickly like radishes and pea shoots. We also planted lettuces, which gave us salad before we had frost. We have planted winter vegetables broccoli, cabbages, and onions.  We can’t believe how big they’ve grown in the polytunnel over the Christmas holidays! We are looking forward to growing some seeds in the classroom which we will plant in the raised bed garden in the spring.

Rory and Scarlett (Blwyddyn 3) 


The rook pooling trip

In September it was a nice sunny autumn day we went on a rook pooling trip. We had a lot of fun while we were there. At first, we were walking to our location, we saw a lot of salted seaweed, shimmering shells, and all different sorts of interesting smooth rocks. When we got there, we all found a good place to put our bags and coats. After that we started to get our equipment out, we all had a little bucket each and a net when we all had our stuff, we were ready to go! When we were looking for any sea life creatures, we all had to be careful because it was very slippery, and we had to make sure that we did not fill up our wellies with water. I saw a fish swimming around, so I wanted to collect it to see what kind of fish it was, so I did but I did it very carefully and put it in my bucket. I named it Lynda and my friend gave me his crab called Gary. A few minutes later everyone on the trip was saying look at this! So, me and my friends Erin and Molly went over, and Mr. Trotman caught a baby lobster! It’s shell was full of cool colours. Next, we were looking at the sea creatures and looking if they were boys or girls and most were boys. We all had a fun and enjoyable time at Port Eynon, Gower. Luckly, I did not get wet but one top tip, don’t go rock pooling when you have a phone in your pocket or you might lose it like Mr Trotman did!

Tilly Fry (Blwyddyn 6)


Football tournament

Recently we went to a football tournament. The bus driver got lost on the way and the teacher with the other school on the bus helped him out and told him where to go. When we got there, we got off first and went to the gate. A football coach spoke to Mr. Rees and then we got ready. After they called us down, we all rushed to the front gate. We ran to the grass and sat down while the football coaches explained what we were doing. We started with drills, we then had a break. After the break we played a game, you had to be put into teams of 5 and run to get a ball one at a time who ever had the most won. After, we had lunch and watched the football coaches score goals. We got down and we had options if we wanted to play competitive, girls only or not competitive. I chose competitive, they split us up into different groups which were our teams. We got to play against other teams. After that we sat down while they gave out prizes to some schools. It was a fun day out of school.

Immy Jones (Blwyddyn 6) 
