
Pwll CP School

Mighty oaks from acorns grow


Hello and welcome to our ATF2 class page!


Here are just a few notes to remember:


We continue to use Class Dojo as a method of communication. I will continue to use this platform to send photos of the activities the children do during the week with a weekly progress report.



We will be carrying out food tasting / cooking sessions. The sessions are designed to allow us to work on increasing the children’s willingness to try new foods and in turn to expand on their diets.


We kindly ask for £1 a week to cover the costs of our food tasting sessions. If possible could payments be made on a half termly basis to make it easier to keep on top of payments. All payments are to be made on Parent Pay (ATF food tasting). If you have any difficulties with this please let me know and I can call you to discuss. 



PE sessions will now be on a Tuesday. We are now able to resume our rebound sessions. Consent forms will be sent out shortly.



Outdoor learning and natural environment teaching will continue to play a big part in our learning experiences. As the weather is quite unpredictable can I please ask that the children are sent in with an appropriate coat and as it gets colder hats / gloves as appropriate. Along with some Wellies and some waterproofs as we will be going on whatever the weather.


If you have any queries, please get in touch either through the school or Class Dojo. 


Miss Lewis


