
Pwll CP School

Mighty oaks from acorns grow


Safeguarding / Diogelu


(Safeguarding notes to parents, follow at the foot of this page)


What to do if someone is hurting you or your friend.

If someon is hurting you or your friends, there are people who can help you and stop people from making you feel scared and hurt.

You should tell someone you trust:

  • You can tell a teacher, your parents, carers, grandparents or other members of your family who may be able to help, or can tell a friend; and
  • Let people help to make things better by stopping the person from hurting you or your friends.

The person in this school who has special responsibility for helping you if someone’s hurting you or your friend is Mr Trotman.


If you would prefer to talk to your teacher or another member of staff, that’s ok too. If you feel you can’t talk to any of these, you can talk to one of the following organisations that will have someone who will listen to you:



A free 24 hour advice line offering councelling and support to young people suffering from abuse. The call won’t show up on your phone bill.

0800 11 11



A free phone line offering support and advice to young people in abusive or difficult situations. The lines are open 24 hours a day and the calls won;t show up on your phone bill.

0808 800 5000


Funky Dragon

Funky Dragon is a peer-led organisation that aims to make sure the views of 0-25 year olds are heard, particularly by the Welsh Assembly Government.



Free and confidential advice and support.

08457 90 90 90



Barnardo’s works with vulnerable children and young people, helping  them and their families to overcome problems like abuse, homelessness and poverty.

020  8550 8822 (nationl rate, 8am – 6pm Mon – Fri)



Kidscape works with children and young people under the age of 16, their parents/carers and those who work with them to prevent bullying and child sexual abuse.

08451 205 204


Bullying Online

Bullying Online is a website that provides information and support for a wide range of parents, pupils, teachers and youth organisations.


Wise Kids

Wise Kids is a website that provides information and support internet literacy, proficiency and knowledge of the internet and related technologies.


Notes for Parents or Carers

Parents/Carers should be aware that schools have a responsibility to ensure the well-being of all pupils. This responsibility means that the school:-


• Will have a child protection policy and procedures;

• Should make parents or carers aware of its child protection policy possibly through the school prospectus, and that this may require their child to be referred to the statutory child welfare agencies if they believe that the child or other children may be at risk of significant harm;

• Should endeavour to work with parents/carers regarding the welfare of their child and remain impartial if their child is being, or has been referred.

• Should help parents or carers understand that if a referral is made to social services or the police, it has been made in the best interests of the child and that the school will be involved in any child protection enquiry or police investigation in relation to their child’s welfare and educational progress; and

• Keep the parents or carers informed of the welfare and educational progress of the child.

On 1 September 2006, section 175 of the Education Act 2002 came into effect. This introduces a duty on local authorities, the governing bodies of maintained schools, and the governing bodies of further education institutions, to have arrangements in place to ensure they safeguard children and that such arrangements take account of guidance issued by the Welsh Assembly Government.


Where a professional has a concern about a child, they will, in general, seek to discuss this with the family and, where possible, seek their agreement to making a referral to social services. However, this should only be done where such a discussion and agreement will not place a child at increased risk of significant harm. That advice will be provided by the local social services department in consultation, where appropriate, with the police.


The designated child protection person at the school should clarify with these statutory agencies, when, how and by whom, the parents or carers will be told about any referral. They should also seek advice as to whether or not the child should be informed of the process.


As a parent or carer you may sometimes feel alone but there is usually somebody you can talk to. Caring for children is not always easy and if you’re struggling to cope you may need to ask for help and support to protect your child.


You may find the following helpful:-


• Make time to talk and listen to your child;

• Familiarise yourself with your child’s friends and routine;

• Be sensitive to changes in behaviour;

• Teach your child to feel confident to refuse to do anything they feel is wrong;

• Be aware of your child’s use of the internet and mobile phone to ensure they don’t place themselves at risk.


Useful sites for your information:



(Mae nodiadau diogelu i rieni yn yn dilyn ar waelod y dudalen hon)

Beth i’w wneud os yw rhywun yn eich niweidio chi neu’ch ffrind

Os oes rhywun yn eich niweidio chi neu’ch ffrindiau, mae yna bobl sy’n gallu eich helpu chi ac atal pobl rhag gwneud i chi deimlo’n ofnus neu’n brifo.

Dylech ddweud wrth rywun yr ydych yn ymddiried ynddo:

  • Gallwch ddweud wrth athro, eich rhieni, gofalwyr, neiniau a theidiau neu aelodau eraill o’ch teulu a allai fod o gymorth, neu a all ddweud wrth ffrind; a
  • Gadewch i bobl helpu i wneud pethau’n well trwy atal y person rhag eich niweidio chi neu’ch ffrindiau.

Y person yn yr ysgol hon sydd a chyfrifoldeb arbennig am eich helpu os yw rhywun yn eich niweidio chi neu’ch ffrindiau yw

Mr Trotman

Os byddai’n well gennych siarad a’ch athro neu aelod arall o staff, mae hynny’n iawn hefyd. Os ydych chi’n teimlo na allwch siarad ag unrhyw un o’r rhain, gallwch siarad ag un o’r sefydliadau canlynol a fydd a rhywun a fydd yn gwrando arnoch chi:



llinell gyngor 24 awr am ddim sy’n cynnig  cynghori a chefnogaeth i bobl ifanc sy’n dioddef camdriniaeth. Ni fydd yr alwad yn ymddangos ar eich bil ffon.

0800 11 11



Llinell ffon am ddim sy’n cynnig cymorth a chyngor i bobl ifanc mewn sefyllfaoedd camdrin neu anodd. Mae’r llinellau ar agor 24 awr y dydd ac ni fydd y galwadau’n ymddangos ar eich bil ffon.

0808 800 5000


Funky Dragon

Mae Funky Dragon yn sefydliad sy’n cael ei arwain gan gyfoedion sy’n anelu at sicrhau bob barn pobl 0-25 oed yn cael ei glywed, yn enwedig gan Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru.



Cyngor a chefnogaeth gyfrinachol am ddim.

08457 90 90 90



Mae Barnardo’s yn gweithio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc sy’n agored i niwed, gan eu helpu a’u teuluoedd i oresyn problemau fel camdriniaeth, digartrefedd a thlodi.

020 8550  8822 (Gyfradd genedlaethol. 8yb – 6yp, Dydd Llun – Dydd Gwener)



Mae Kidscape yn gweithio gyda phlant a phobl ifanc dan 16 oed, eu rhieni/gofalwyr a’r rhai sy’n gweithio gyda nhw i atal bwlio a cham-drin plant yn rhywiol.

08451 205 204


Bullying Online

Mae Bullying Online yn wefan sy’n darparu gwybodaeth a chefnogaeth i ystod eang o rieni, disgyblion, athrawon a sefydliadau ieuenctid.


Wise Kids

Gwefan yw Wise Kids sy’n darparu gwybodaeth a chefnogaeth llythrennedd ar y rhyngrwyd, hyfedredd a gwybodaeth o’r rhyngrwyd a thechnolegau cysylltiedig.



Nodiadau i rieni neu ofalwyr

Dylai rhieni/gofalwyr fod yn ymwybodol bod gan ysgolion gyfrifoldeb i sicrhau lles pob disgybl. Mae’r cyfrofoldeb hwn yn golygu bod yr ysgol:

  • Bydd ganddo bolisi a gweithdrefnau amddiffyn plant;
  • Dylech wneud rhieni neu ofalwyr yn ymwybodol o’i bolisi amddiffyn plant o bosib trwy brosbectws yr ysgol, ac y gallai hyn ofyn bod eu plentyn yn cael ei gyfeirio at yr asiantaethau lles plant statudol os ydynt o’r farn y gallai’r plentyn neu’r plant eraill fod mewn perygl o niwed sylweddol;
  • Dylai ymdrechu i weithio gyda rhieni/gofalwyr ynghylch lles eu plentyn a pharhau i fod yn ddiduedd os yw eu plentyn yn cael ei gyfeirio.
  • Pe bai help rhieni neu ofalwyr yn deall, os cyfeirir at y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol neu’r heddlu, fe’i gwnaethpwyd er lles gorau’r plentyn a bod yr ysgol yn ymwneud ag unrhyw ymholiad amddiffyn plant neu ymchwiliad yr heddlu mewn perthynas a’u plentyn, lles a chynnydd addysgol; a
  • Rhoi gwybod i’r rhieni neu’r gofalwyr am les a chynnydd addysgol y plentyn.

Ar 1 Medi 2006, daeth adran 175 o Ddeddf Addysg 2002 i rym. Mae hyn yn cyflwyno dyletswydd ar awdurdodau lleol, i gyrff llywodraethu ysgolion a gynhelir, a chyrff llywodraethu sefydliadau addysg bellach, gael trefniadau ar waith i sicrhau eu bod yn diogelu plant  a bod trefniadau o’r fath yn ystyried canllawiau a gyhoeddwyd gan Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru.


Pan fo gan broffesiynol bryder am blentyn, byddant, yn gyffredinol, yn ceisio trafod hyn gyda’r teulu a, lle bo’n bosibl, ceisiwch eu cytundeb i gyfeirio at y gwasanaethau cymdeithasol. Fodd bynnag, dim ond pan na fydd trafodaeth a chytundeb o’r fath yn gosod plentyn mewn perygl cynyddol o niwed sylweddol, dylid gwneud hyn. Bydd y cyngor hwnnw’n cael ei ddarparu gan yr adran gwasanaethau cymdeithasol lleol mewn ymgynghoriad, lle bo’n briodol, gyda’r heddlu.


Dylai’r person amddiffyn plant dynodedig yn yr ysgol egluro gyda asiantaethau statudol hyn, pryd, sut a chan bwy y bydd y rhieni neu’r gofalwyr yn cael gwybod am unrhyw atgyfeiriad. Dylent hefyd ofyn am gyngor a ddylid hysbysebu’r plentyn o’r broses ai peidio.


Fel rhiant neu ofalwr, efallai y byddwch chi’n teimlo’n unig ar eich pen eich hun ond fel arfer mae rhywun y gallwch siarad a hi.  Nid yw gofalu am blant bob amser yn hawdd ac os ydych chi’n cael trafferth ymdopi efallai y bydd angen i chi ofyn am help a chefnogaeth i amddiffyn eich plentyn.


Efallai y bydd y canlynol yn ddefnyddiol;

  • Gwenech amser i siarad a gwrando ar eich plentyn;
  • Ymgyfarwyddo a ffrindiau a threfn eich plentyn;
  • Bod yn sensitif i newidiadau mewn ymddygiad;
  • Dysgwch eich plentyn i deimlo’n hyderus wrth wrthod gwneud unrhyw beth maen nhw’n teimlo sy’n anghywir;
  • Byddwch yn ymwybodol o ddefnydd eich plentyn o’r rhyngrwyd a ffon symudol i sicrhau nad ydynt yn rhoi eu hunain mewn perygl.